Gimme danger, little stranger And I'll feel you bleed Gimme danger, little stranger And I'll heal your disease
There's nothing in my dreams Just some ugly memories Kiss me like the ocean breeze
Well if you will be my lover I will shiver and sing But if you won't be my master I will do anything
There's nothing left alive But some dark glassy eyes Raise my fears one more time
Come on little danger, die a little stranger Swear you're gonna feel my hell Come on little stranger, die a little later Swear you're gonna feel my hell Swear you're gonna feel my hell
Gimme danger Little stranger Gimme danger Little stranger Gimme danger Every day Can you feel it? Can you feel it? Can you feel it? I gotta feel it I gotta feel it I gotta feel it You gotta feel it, i gotta feel it I wanna feel it...
01. Holiday in The Sun 00:00 02. Bodies 03:18 03. No Feeling 06:20 04. Liar 09:08 05. God Save The Queen 11:47 06. Problems 15:05 07. Seventeen 19:15 08. Anarchy in The U.K. 21:16 09. Submission 24:47 10. Pretty Vacant 28:58 11. New York 32:13 12. E.M.I. (Unlimited Edition) 35:19
BAND: Johnny Rotten (vocals) Steve Jones (guitar) Sid Vicious (bass) Paul Cook (drums) Glen Matlock (bass on track 08)
Bucuresti, Babadag, Bahia-Blanca, Beirut,Bruxelles, Brighton, Brisbane, Elsewhere, Romania
I'm the Chaos Troll - Trollio Malvolio!!!
I'm A Failed Unlearner Trading For Free Whispered Words,
Void Strings , Creative Chaos, Onirical Sex.
(all of it must be forgotten in order to be understood)
Find Me Search Me Guess Me Elude Me Forget Me.
Cronică de carte
*Laurenţiu Belizan și suprarealismul contemporan în volumul „selfie cu
La un an de la apariția la editura Humanitas, a volumului
*" Wanderluster "*
*Așa am spus - că îl pot numi doar Ducaci Dement.*
*Da - și!?! Ce-i cu asta?!? Ce ...
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punctul luminos
ce este cartea pentru un autor dacă nu o suprafață a reflexiei, un aparat
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aici e ţara pune-o în buzunar e a ta
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