The most wonderful of alll things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human being is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.
Poem by Arhip Cibotariu Sanged by Tudor Gheorghe Translated by tigress_tim Presented by Xiron Xin
"...!!! The willows have gone crazy!!! From all the spring They walk naked in the skies With all their souls inside outside
And they took it out from morning White and loaded with dew With strong odours from the sky Pulled out from a new mistery The willows have gone crazy And with their sickness all together It seems something happened And with all this world Raving birds Take out their souls from them Wandering from many longings Travelers between the stars The green forest got fuddled It's not so calm anymore It hold the moon longish Like a heart in the palm You don't see my soul how it gets out In chaotic words! The willows have gone crazy! And you want me to behave?!! And you want me to behave ?!!! ..."
Category: Music
Tags: Tudor Ghoerghe Au innebunit salcamii!!! The acacia trees have gone crazy !
toward all diabolical tears of laughing pilligrims of life madness!!!! for those who doesn't dare to fly inside all storms of dark yet still relentless life...'couse they will shurely Die!:
-Unknowing Ubiquitously Unborned Unlearner's Uprising, Ravenis Kalikanzaros says to Xiron Xin : Eviscerating the emptiness of a Word won't need a thousand reasons; Filling the energy of an Image with a thousand words won't last; Removing the Grace of a spiritual transgresion won't work. The only chance to smile even in tears is 2 Love! Unlimited open mind and soul, forever. "I don't give a fuck!" replay XIRON XIN
Bucuresti, Babadag, Bahia-Blanca, Beirut,Bruxelles, Brighton, Brisbane, Elsewhere, Romania
I'm the Chaos Troll - Trollio Malvolio!!!
I'm A Failed Unlearner Trading For Free Whispered Words,
Void Strings , Creative Chaos, Onirical Sex.
(all of it must be forgotten in order to be understood)
Find Me Search Me Guess Me Elude Me Forget Me.
Institutul Blecher, ediția 310
Clubul de lectură Institutul Blecher vă invită, duminică 23 februarie 2024,
de la ora 18.30, în Hidden (Str. Doamna Chiajna, nr. 26), la lansarea
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