David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust - Live by Request Oh Oooh yeah Ah Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly, and the spiders from Mars. He played it left hand But made it too far Became the special man, then we were Ziggy's band
now Ziggy really sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo Like some cat from Japan,aww he could lick 'em by smiling He could leave 'em to hang 'came on so loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.
So where were the spiders, while the fly tried to break our balls With just the beer light to guide us, So we bitched about his fans and should we crush his sweet hands?
Oh Ooh oh
Ziggy played for time, jiving us that we were voodoo The kid was just crass, he was the nazz With God given ass aww He took it all too far but boy could he play guitar
Making love with his ego Ziggy sucked up into his mind Like a leper messiah When the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band.
Bucuresti, Babadag, Bahia-Blanca, Beirut,Bruxelles, Brighton, Brisbane, Elsewhere, Romania
I'm the Chaos Troll - Trollio Malvolio!!!
I'm A Failed Unlearner Trading For Free Whispered Words,
Void Strings , Creative Chaos, Onirical Sex.
(all of it must be forgotten in order to be understood)
Find Me Search Me Guess Me Elude Me Forget Me.
Institutul Blecher, ediția 310
Clubul de lectură Institutul Blecher vă invită, duminică 23 februarie 2024,
de la ora 18.30, în Hidden (Str. Doamna Chiajna, nr. 26), la lansarea
Cronică de carte
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